||Jai Sri Gurudev ||
Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust [R.]

Sri Adhichunchanagiri Rural Children Education Development Program

Sri Adichunchanagiri Math, Chickkaballapur Division, 562101
||Jai Sri Gurudev ||
Sri Adichunchanagiri Shikshana Trust[R.]

Sri Adi Chunchanagiri Rural children Education Development Program

Sri Adichunchanagiri Math, Chickkaballapur Division, 562101


Kamashettahalli is a remote village situated distance of 9 km from Chikkaballapur. This village is economically and educationally backward. Here the population is more than 500, many of them are illiterates. More than 10 years back here many people involving gambling , theft and etc. In this village many people leaving by engaging dialy wages they did not educate their children. Though many people are illiterates but they have the dream of getting good education to their children. But this was only a dream, because the children in the village have to travel everyday 3 km by walk. Still there is no bus facility to this village. In this village girls are facing many problems to get quality education.

“Food clothing shelter are the basic needs of man. But education is the foremost basic need to a man.” By realising this problems of rural area Poojya sri sri sri Dr. Nirmalanandanatha maha swamiji wished to start SACRED Centres in rural areas to give valuable and qualitative education. Poojya sri sri Mangalanatha Swamiji’s blessings and guidelines of Dr N shivaram Reddy sir CAO BGS group of institutions recognised economically and educationally backward a remote village Kamashettalli is 9 km distance  from Chikkaballapur for the betterment of this village and overall round development of children here opened SACRED centre on 17-12-2018 With the cooperation of local leaders and also appointed trained and experienced teacher for the centre.

Everyday centre starts at 6:00 p.m. and ends at 8:00 in this centre without any cast religion discrimination children are learning. Here children learning not only learning lessons but also learning cleanliness, yoga , bhajan, drawing, spoken English and co curricular activities. Around 40 children learning in the centre all the children coming to this centre with a great enthusiasm and getting value education. To this centre half an and often our CAO sir , headmaster, resource persons visiting and giving suggestions to the children and teacher. It is the happiest thing to all that in this centre 10th standard students also learning and getting good marks. In previous years 10th standard students got more A+ grades . They are continuing their higher education in good colleges. By this local leaders and parents have good opinion regarding the SACRED centre and our Adhi chunchanagiri shakha mutt for selfless service.